The Success Academy’s Mission is simple: To inspire you to discover yourself and create your own personal success. This is an academy of personal success devoted to inspiring personal initiative and responsibility. Here we challenge you to take control of your own mind and take personal charge of your own life, and create the life of your dreams.
One of the chief objectives of this Academy is to inspire you to understand that change is a constant in the equation of life, to cultivate an open mind, to keep learning, growing, and evolving.
The Success Academy is all aboutInspiration, Challenge, andMotivation.
Upon a successful completion of the courses and requirements of the Success Academy, you are awarded a Certificate in Personal Leadership.
This Certificate is not a certificate for getting a job, because the Success Academy is not established to breed job seekers! Our aim is rather to empower and equip you to create jobs and become an employer of labour.
The Success Academy Certificate of Personal Leadership is an attestation by the Academy that you’ve been equipped with the wisdom tools to create your own personal success.